World Heart Day 2018 campaign poster


Just one more day until WORLD HEART DAY 2018. The main aim of this day is to enhance heart health by encouraging people to make healthier lifestyle changes.  

Diet plays a major role in the heart’s health. So make yourself a promise to maintain a healthy diet, in order to keep your heart healthy and young. Here are a few heart-friendly diet changes that you should introduce in your life:

  • Eat high-fibre food such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and so on
  • Reduce your salt intake (cooking your own food helps with this)
  • Cut out trans fats, such as cakes, cookies and fast food
  • Go for whole-grains (choose brown rice over white rice, whole grain bread over white bread)
  • Choose low cholesterol proteins (prefer chicken, fish, egg and vegetable protein over beef, pork and lamb)

Dr Mahadevan Ramachandran, a cardiac surgeon with over 15 years of independent experience in the premier hospitals of Kerala. Currently working as Chief Consultant Cardiac Surgeon at the following hospitals:

Total Cardiac Care, Thiruvananthapuram
Cosmopolitan Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram,
Azeezia Medical College, Kollam
NIMS Medicity, Neyyantinkara
Total Cardiac Care – Facebook

Dr. Mahadevan Ramachandran – LinkedIn

For consultations and low-cost bypass surgeries, book an appointment 

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WORLD HEART DAY 2018 – TOTAL CARDIAC CARE | Dr.Mahadevan Ramachandran | Lifestyle changes

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