Exercising after a Bypass Surgery - Dr.Mahadevan _ Total cardiac care V1.1

Thing to remember while exercising after a Bypass Surgery

Let’s discuss exercising after a bypass surgery.

A bypass surgery is done for people who run a high risk of heart attacks. It is a risky surgery but with recent technological advancements, the chances of success have increased. Proper procedures need to be taken up in order to make a speedy yet safe recovery.

During your recovery after a bypass surgery, exercise plays an important role in bringing a positive impact on your overall health, and cardiovascular health in particular. It reduces the risks that high blood pressure, diabetes and other such conditions can have on your body. Your exercise routine should be in such a way that you gain maximum benefits with minimum risks of damage to your physical health.

The goals of your exercise program after a bypass surgery should be:
– To improve cardiovascular health
– To increase muscle strength
– To improve your range of motion

Even if you are a physically active person, after a bypass surgery, there will be a dramatic decrease in your fitness levels Stay at the lower heart-rate range as told by your doctor. Consult a doctor or fitness professional. They will design realistic goals and effective exercise regimes for you. Here are some things to keep in mind before you plan an exercise routine for your recovery:

– Go for low impact activities such as walking and cycling in the beginning, when your doctor feels you are fit enough to start exercising.
– Aerobics increases blood flow in your body without much strain.
– Start with short sessions (5-15 mins) and gradually build up to 60 mins.
– Do this three to five times a week.
– Until at least 12 weeks after surgery, do upper body exercises without going for traditional strength training exercises.
– Stop exercising immediately if you experience chest pain, breathlessness or extreme fatigue.
– Take 10-minute breaks in between your exercises. This may reduce the risk of further heart complications.


Dr Mahadevan Ramachandran, a cardiac surgeon with over 15 years of independent experience in the premier hospitals of Kerala. Currently working as Chief Consultant Cardiac Surgeon at the following hospitals:

Total Cardiac Care, Thiruvananthapuram
Cosmopolitan Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram,
Azeezia Medical College, Kollam
NIMS Medicity, Neyyantinkara
Total Cardiac Care – Facebook

Dr Mahadevan Ramachandran – LinkedIn

For consultations and low-cost bypass surgeries, book an appointment 

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